Red Tara Affirmation ‘I Feel Safe…’

“…There are many changes occurring in your world at this time and in your life as well. On a personal level you are beginning to shift in ways that you have never shifted before. Your very being is changing and your actions follow… Know that you are safe, that it is safe to be, that it is safe to do, that it is safe to desire, to want, to feel, to love, to give, to express, to receive, to imagine, to vision, to dream, to connect, to relate, to commune, to become one with All That Is, that you are safe in all of these areas, that you are willing and able in all of these areas to be safe. It is a very basic need. And when you do feel safe, you express more of who you truly are.

Throughout your life you have devised systems, you have devised actions, thoughts and feelings that keep you safe. As you allow yourself to evaluate, to see a moment in your mind’s eye when you felt completely safe to be who you are, simply remember a time. And in remembering, you begin to feel the joy and the freedom that you experienced then…”

Red Tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

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