Teal Tara Affirmation “I Am Filled With Inspiration”

“… Our color in particular corresponds with three particular chakras: the fourth, your heart chakra; the fifth, your throat chakra; and the sixth, your third eye. And so you may feel our presence at those chakras more so or you may sense that the fourth, fifth and sixth levels of all your chakras are beginning to awaken. The purpose of the blending with our teal energy is to align these chakras so that they work in harmony with each other. The outcome will be to open you to your own vision, your inspiration of what the future holds for you, not just to imagine but also to begin to express in some way that which is right for you. You have dreams. You have visions. Perhaps you are reluctant to act upon them. Perhaps there is a fear or two that tells you it is not the right time or there are not enough resources, or it is okay for someone else who has other qualities to pursue these dreams and visions, but not for you. Allow those thoughts and feelings to dissipate in our energy, in our presence …”


Teal Tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

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