We are delighted to introduce Tara’s OPTIMAL FUTURE SELF Series of guided meditations.
Tara Channel Live! Optimal Future Self Series of Tara Meditations is designed to help you to develop a living loving relationship with the You who is your optimal future, thereby changing who you are in the present moment effortlessly and elegantly. Your Optimal Future Self is the You who stands in your individuality, knowing your worth, knowing your value, knowing you are loved and shining your love and your light, graciously giving to your world.
Experience Tara Channel Live! OPTIMAL FUTURE SELF Series, a set of unique and empowering Tara Meditations to help you connect more profoundly with Your Optimal Future Self, the You who already exists in the new world of dominion, consciously co-creating with God/Goddess. With Tara’s love and guidance, an opportunity to create your reality with elegance and ease with this wonderful step-by-step meditative process.
Save by subscribing to one of our annual subscription plans.
The Optimal Future Self Series of Tara Meditations are included in the TARA ACTIVATE! PLUS and TARA ACTIVATE! COMPLETE Annual Subscription Plans!
Book your personal session with Shaman Cathy Stubbs of Eagle Flight Healing in a series of ‘marker’ soul retrievals and chakra illuminations, with lower world, upper world extractions to release the residues of chauvinism and the long standing automated templates within. Find out more.
An Invitation
TARA, expressed through Katharina as one of those emissaries of the Goddess, is here to help us on this journey we are on to discover more of who we truly are.
She has always been with us, expressed in various ways through the ages illuminating our JOURNEY, watching over us but never interfering. Never doing it for us, because that was not the point. It had to be our personal JOURNEY, we each had to find our own way of separating and becoming a SELF, an individual. But as she said, we have rounded the bend and now the intention has changed from separating to RETURNING, to answer that longing to go home. That is why for the first time she has been able to explain to us the purpose of this journey which has been the forgetting of which was designed and intentional. And though she can’t do it for us, Tara can help illuminate our way and help us integrate the information and the energies. She can help illuminate a bit of the past we came from and a bit of the future we are heading into, like a streetlamp on a long dark road. It helps us understand where we are at and opens our eyes to see where we are stepping next. The journey is still ours to make, and that is part of the agreement. She walks with us as a friend, beside us, not ahead of us. We choose where we are going from here.
We welcome you to join us, to work with Tara on this adventure of returning home to your True Self.
With love and peace.
Feature photos by Marc Olivier Jodoin and Zac Durant on Unsplash.
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