Tara Meditation: Expanding into New Levels of Trust, Vulnerability and Intimacy

Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni, brings a unique perspective on health, well being and the reality we are co-creating. A recent Tara Channel Live! online webinar features a wonderful new meditation ‘Expanding into New Levels of Trust, Vulnerability and Intimacy.’

Topics from Tara’s recent event ‘Expanding into New Levels of Trust, Vulnerability and Intimacy’ include:

  • With issues of the lungs, look to what may I be grieving? The changing from one year to another. Who would you be without the past? Part of the fear of letting go is that you won’t know who you are.
  • Honor your Grief – how has Grief served you? Ask your Higher Self, what is the optimal length of time to grieve? How grieving the loss of a loved one is different than the ending of a relationship.
  • Moving beyond the Doing that is a comfortable identity, part of the old you are letting go of. Just Be in the energy, taking time to create the space, using your feminine energy, before you fill it, before you get in action. Allow for something new to be created, to be imagined, to be dreamed. In this in between space, involving your Higher Self to help you define what’s next – giving yourself time and space to explore the new, dreaming your new Self into being, with that comes a new identity.
  • Disconnecting from the consensus to redefine your value, moving from earning it to knowing it.
  • Pressure – the physical body gives clues. An emotional component – is it an outside pressure, or are you putting pressure on yourself? Your body is a source of information about your reality.
  • Restoring the fun, laughter, joy. Pausing, reflect on the possibility, and deciding whether it is still worth focusing your energy on. Reclaiming your right to choose whether to proceed or not. The highest priority is you. I need to get back to knowing I create my own reality, and when I’m no longer choosing it, the reality becomes an obligation. The choice comes first, that you matter, that your joy, your laughter, and fun matters. Putting your Self and your Joy first, you will have solutions. Taking back your authority to choose moment by moment.
  • Weather and how to understand how you are allowing/creating it – how to pull energy out of it to benefit you and your world.
  • What is power for you? Authority. Ask your Higher Self, Soul, God/Goddess to fill you with true power.

Thank you to all the participants at this event for your beautiful vulnerability. With love and peace.


Please send your request to participate in the Tara Q&A during these live sessions by emailing info @ tarachannel.com. Please read and agree to our Video Recording Permission Form first. Thank you!

Tara Events

Tara considers our Equinox and Solstice events key foundational teachings for our work with Tara. Each event includes 4 cornerstone meditations for working with Higher Self and Soul to activate the Valued Self to consciously co-create your reality with God/Goddess.

Learn more

Tara Meditation Subscription Plans

Get access to the full Library of Tara Meditations, subscribe to Tara ACTIVATE! Annual Meditation Subscription Plans

Tara Channel Live! Tara Meditations Subscription Plans
Online Streaming of Tara Meditations and more

Choose from 3 TARA ACTIVATE! Subscription Plans

About Tara

A rendition of the Goddess called TARA, expressed through Katharina as one of those emissaries of the Goddess, is here to help us on our spiritual journey. She has always been with us, expressed in various ways through the ages illuminating our JOURNEY, watching over us but never interfering. Never doing it for us, because that was not the point, it had to be our personal JOURNEY, we each had to find our own way of separating and becoming a SELF, an individual. But as she said, we have rounded the bend and now the intention has changed from separating to RETURNING, to answer that longing to go home. That is why for the first time she has been able to explain to us the purpose of this journey which has been the forgetting of which was designed and intentional. And though she can’t do it for us, Tara can help illuminate and integrate. She can help illuminate a bit of the past we came from and a bit of the future we are heading into, like a streetlamp on a long dark road.  It helps us understand where we are at and helps us see where we are stepping next. The journey is still ours to make, and that is part of the agreement. She walks with us as a friend, beside us, not ahead of us. We choose where we are going from here.

We welcome you to join us, to work with Tara on this adventure of returning home to your True Self.

Recent Tara Channel Live! videos and meditations are available on YouTube.

In addition, Tara channeled a wonderful 21-day series of meditations in her book ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ available on Amazon.com.

SPECIAL OFFER – Soul Retrieval & Energy Healing

Shaman Cathy Stubbs - Eagle Flight Healing
Featuring Shaman Cathy Stubbs of Eagle Flight Healing

Book your personal Soul Retrieval energy healing session with Shaman Cathy Stubbs of Eagle Flight Healing. Cathy offers a series of ‘marker’ soul retrievals and chakra illuminations, with lower world, upper world extractions to release the residues of chauvinism and the long standing automated templates within. Find out more.

Feel Joy!

BodyMindSpirit! coaches are certified in several modalities: Laser focused coaching, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy®, and Hypnosis. They also have many years of metaphysical training and meditation.

We bring the structured process of NLP and professional certified coaching together with energy work, hypnotherapy, and meditation in a new way. This process is a powerful yet easy and effective way to change your mindset, create rapport between your Unconscious mind and your Conscious mind, and free you to explore new possibilities and futures you have always wanted. Find out more…

Feel Younger!

Do you want more energy? more vitality? to feel younger? Discover a new technology that activates your stem cells naturally – safe, non-invasive and cost-effective. Lifewave X39 wellness patch is anti-aging magic, without drugs and side effects drugs can cause.

Free Sample (X39) – Visit bodymindspirit.online, or email info@bodymindspirit.online for a free sample patch.

Feel Safer!

CLEAN THE AIR IN YOUR HOME OF HARMFUL VIRUSES IN THE AIR IN MINUTES! with novel NASA Active Pure technology. We have relied on this wonderful machine to keep us safe. To find out more, visit bodymindspirit.online.

Free Photos!

HTBphotos by John and Katharina Notarianni 

©2023 The Tara Channel, Tara Channel Live! – tarachannellive.com and tarachannel.com. All Rights Reserved.

Photo credits: Zoom background by Stainless Images on Unsplash. Feature photo by Akira Fujii – Hubble.

Tara Meditation: Accessing Unconditional Love to Move Beyond the Chaos

Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni, brings a unique perspective on health, well being and the reality we are co-creating. A recent Tara Channel Live! online webinar features a new meditation ‘Accessing Unconditional Love to Move Beyond the Chaos’ to answer the fears and resistances related to that part of us that needs to know we are fundamentally safe.

Featuring Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni

Topics from Tara’s recent event ‘Accessing Unconditional Love to Move Beyond the Chaos’ include:

  • Creating consistency in working with Higher Self on your spiritual journey – releasing the need to go it alone, a necessary step / phase to develop your individuality, shifting gears from creating reality to co-creating reality.
  • Focusing on the future you want, spend time imagining how you want it to be. Move beyond the current physical discomfort. Trust that as you flow the healing energy through you, you will heal yourself first. It is your access to something more – pure healing energy.
  • Addressing the resistance that there won’t be enough time for me when your body is responding with a stress response. How can you design your future activities so that there is time for you, so that you are the central focus?
  • When your environment reflects pain and suffering,most importantly taking time for yourself to go within, to look at more specifically what it means to me – where am I denying myself integration, compassion, what aspect of me is feeling disconnected, and what do I long for?
  • How has Pain defined me? Being connected handles the pain. I long for that dream that beautiful reality where we are all free of pain – as a mapmaker magician, it’s time for me to dream that new world. Taking care of you and your inner world first allows you to be in balance, set the boundaries and flow compassion to them, to allow them the space to feel their sorrow, their grief.
  • Responding to the need for Solitude. What happens when you give yourself permission to just be? Spend time with your Lemurian Dreamer, to ask them to dream a dream just for you as you gently go to sleep, and then look for the changes.
  • So much magic between the words, as you integrate the new energies you will see the changes in your world.

Thank you to all the participants at this event for your beautiful vulnerability. With love and peace.


Please send your request to participate in the Tara Q&A during these live sessions by emailing info @ tarachannel.com. Please read and agree to our Video Recording Permission Form first. Thank you!

Tara Events

Tara considers our Equinox and Solstice events key foundational teachings for our work with Tara. Each event includes 4 cornerstone meditations for working with Higher Self and Soul to activate the Valued Self to consciously co-create your reality with God/Goddess.

Learn more

Tara Meditation Subscription Plans

Get access to the full Library of Tara Meditations, subscribe to Tara ACTIVATE! Annual Meditation Subscription Plans

Tara Channel Live! Tara Meditations Subscription Plans
Online Streaming of Tara Meditations and more

Choose from 3 TARA ACTIVATE! Subscription Plans

About Tara

A rendition of the Goddess called TARA, expressed through Katharina as one of those emissaries of the Goddess, is here to help us on our spiritual journey. She has always been with us, expressed in various ways through the ages illuminating our JOURNEY, watching over us but never interfering. Never doing it for us, because that was not the point, it had to be our personal JOURNEY, we each had to find our own way of separating and becoming a SELF, an individual. But as she said, we have rounded the bend and now the intention has changed from separating to RETURNING, to answer that longing to go home. That is why for the first time she has been able to explain to us the purpose of this journey which has been the forgetting of which was designed and intentional. And though she can’t do it for us, Tara can help illuminate and integrate. She can help illuminate a bit of the past we came from and a bit of the future we are heading into, like a streetlamp on a long dark road.  It helps us understand where we are at and helps us see where we are stepping next. The journey is still ours to make, and that is part of the agreement. She walks with us as a friend, beside us, not ahead of us. We choose where we are going from here.

We welcome you to join us, to work with Tara on this adventure of returning home to your True Self.

Recent Tara Channel Live! videos and meditations are available on YouTube.

In addition, Tara channeled a wonderful 21-day series of meditations in her book ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ available on Amazon.com.

SPECIAL OFFER – Soul Retrieval & Energy Healing

Shaman Cathy Stubbs - Eagle Flight Healing
Featuring Shaman Cathy Stubbs of Eagle Flight Healing

Book your personal Soul Retrieval energy healing session with Shaman Cathy Stubbs of Eagle Flight Healing. Cathy offers a series of ‘marker’ soul retrievals and chakra illuminations, with lower world, upper world extractions to release the residues of chauvinism and the long standing automated templates within. Find out more.

Feel Joy!

BodyMindSpirit! coaches are certified in several modalities: Laser focused coaching, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy®, and Hypnosis. They also have many years of metaphysical training and meditation.

We bring the structured process of NLP and professional certified coaching together with energy work, hypnotherapy, and meditation in a new way. This process is a powerful yet easy and effective way to change your mindset, create rapport between your Unconscious mind and your Conscious mind, and free you to explore new possibilities and futures you have always wanted. Find out more…

Feel Younger!

Do you want more energy? more vitality? to feel younger? Discover a new technology that activates your stem cells naturally – safe, non-invasive and cost-effective. Lifewave X39 wellness patch is anti-aging magic, without drugs and side effects drugs can cause.

Free Sample (X39) – Visit bodymindspirit.online, or email info@bodymindspirit.online for a free sample patch.

Feel Safer!

CLEAN THE AIR IN YOUR HOME OF HARMFUL VIRUSES IN THE AIR IN MINUTES! with novel NASA Active Pure technology. We have relied on this wonderful machine to keep us safe. To find out more, visit bodymindspirit.online.

Free Photos!

HTBphotos by John and Katharina Notarianni 

©2023 The Tara Channel, Tara Channel Live! – tarachannellive.com and tarachannel.com. All Rights Reserved.

Photo credits: Zoom background by Jaime Serrano on Unsplash. Feature photo by Frank McKenna on Unsplash.

Tara Meditation: Building A Foundation for the New Year

Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni, brings a unique perspective on health, well being and the reality we are co-creating. A recent Tara Channel Live! online webinar features a new meditation ‘Building a Foundation for the New Year’ working with the Elements to bring balance and new energies for the coming year.

A New Tara Meditation – featuring Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni

Topics from Tara’s recent event ‘Building a Foundation for the New Year’ include:

  • Is it truly a personal reality, or is this something more? Do we have a group destiny, for instance?
  • When you end pain and suffering within yourself, there is less of it in the world.
  • Knowing the separation was an illusion, a necessary illusion so you could define your ego, build identity, and have choice, to play with reality, to allow the joy and the fun. In the knowing that you can choose to change your reality moment by moment you recover a sense of playfulness, that feeling of joy.
  • A happy new year, where your needs are met, with safety and security, so you can thrive, so you can Be and become More.
  • The Elements are what you are made of, energies that are part of your physical plane experience. At times you may have a deficit of one, or an abundance of another. Balance is important. The Archangels bring the elements with them. Or work directly with the Elements that support you on your journey.
  • Healing Grief opens to Joy. Joy as significant to the choice to be physical. Joy is a resonance, it is a vehicle. As Lazaris says, where happiness is about meeting your needs, Joy is about meeting your preferences. Am I giving time and space to choosing my preferences and developing Joy in my life? With Joy, you become that transcendent self, as though you are free of the physical plane. It lifts you and expands you and in that space of Joy you feel the connection to all that is, you feel the truth of your True Self, that the physical plane is an illusion and you exist in dominion.

Thank you to all the participants at this event for your beautiful vulnerability. With love and peace.


Please send your request to participate in the Tara Q&A during these live sessions by emailing info @ tarachannel.com. Please read and agree to our Video Recording Permission Form first. Thank you!

Tara Events

Tara considers our Equinox and Solstice events key foundational teachings for our work with Tara. Each event includes 4 cornerstone meditations for working with Higher Self and Soul to activate the Valued Self to consciously co-create your reality with God/Goddess.

Learn more

Tara Meditation Subscription Plans

Get access to the full Library of Tara Meditations, subscribe to Tara ACTIVATE! Annual Meditation Subscription Plans

Tara Channel Live! Tara Meditations Subscription Plans
Online Streaming of Tara Meditations and more

Choose from 3 TARA ACTIVATE! Subscription Plans

About Tara

A rendition of the Goddess called TARA, expressed through Katharina as one of those emissaries of the Goddess, is here to help us on our spiritual journey. She has always been with us, expressed in various ways through the ages illuminating our JOURNEY, watching over us but never interfering. Never doing it for us, because that was not the point, it had to be our personal JOURNEY, we each had to find our own way of separating and becoming a SELF, an individual. But as she said, we have rounded the bend and now the intention has changed from separating to RETURNING, to answer that longing to go home. That is why for the first time she has been able to explain to us the purpose of this journey which has been the forgetting of which was designed and intentional. And though she can’t do it for us, Tara can help illuminate and integrate. She can help illuminate a bit of the past we came from and a bit of the future we are heading into, like a streetlamp on a long dark road.  It helps us understand where we are at and helps us see where we are stepping next. The journey is still ours to make, and that is part of the agreement. She walks with us as a friend, beside us, not ahead of us. We choose where we are going from here.

We welcome you to join us, to work with Tara on this adventure of returning home to your True Self.

Recent Tara Channel Live! videos and meditations are available on YouTube.

In addition, Tara channeled a wonderful 21-day series of meditations in her book ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ available on Amazon.com.

SPECIAL OFFER – Soul Retrieval & Energy Healing

Shaman Cathy Stubbs - Eagle Flight Healing
Featuring Shaman Cathy Stubbs of Eagle Flight Healing

Book your personal Soul Retrieval energy healing session with Shaman Cathy Stubbs of Eagle Flight Healing. Cathy offers a series of ‘marker’ soul retrievals and chakra illuminations, with lower world, upper world extractions to release the residues of chauvinism and the long standing automated templates within. Find out more.

Feel Joy!

BodyMindSpirit! coaches are certified in several modalities: Laser focused coaching, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy®, and Hypnosis. They also have many years of metaphysical training and meditation.

We bring the structured process of NLP and professional certified coaching together with energy work, hypnotherapy, and meditation in a new way. This process is a powerful yet easy and effective way to change your mindset, create rapport between your Unconscious mind and your Conscious mind, and free you to explore new possibilities and futures you have always wanted. Find out more…

Feel Younger!

Do you want more energy? more vitality? to feel younger? Discover a new technology that activates your stem cells naturally – safe, non-invasive and cost-effective. Lifewave X39 wellness patch is anti-aging magic, without drugs and side effects drugs can cause.

Free Sample (X39) – Visit bodymindspirit.online, or email info@bodymindspirit.online for a free sample patch.

Feel Safer!

CLEAN THE AIR IN YOUR HOME OF HARMFUL VIRUSES IN THE AIR IN MINUTES! with novel NASA Active Pure technology. We have relied on this wonderful machine to keep us safe. To find out more, visit bodymindspirit.online.

Free Photos!

HTBphotos by John and Katharina Notarianni 

©2023 The Tara Channel, Tara Channel Live! – tarachannellive.com and tarachannel.com. All Rights Reserved.

Photo credits: Zoom background by Mike Enerio on Unsplash. Feature photo by Shaunak Mirashi on Unsplash.

Tara Meditation: Opening to the New Year

Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni, brings a unique perspective on health, well being and the reality we are co-creating. A recent Tara Channel Live! online webinar features a beautiful new meditation ‘Opening to the New Year’ to reflect on and bring the current year to a close, stepping forth into the energy of the New Year.

Topics from Tara’s recent event ‘Opening to the New Year’ include:

  • Feeling loved. The ebb and flow of love. How to respond when you experience resistance that is a return to what is safe, what you consider to be more familiar state of being. Love requires vulnerability, and it takes time to build trust.
  • Why love needs to wax and wane. What aspect of self is uncomfortable in the Love?
  • Awareness of loyalty and the fear of abandonment – to sit with the paradox. Loyalty raises your magic to be for others.
  • Dealing with loneliness during the holidays. Loneliness as a protection. Going within is important. Part of the resistance to going within is the layer of loneliness, covered up by sadness. Reach through the layers and ask, what is needed? And reach for your connection with Higher Self, Soul, and God/Goddess. In that connection you become strong, you become whole.
  • Chronic health issues leading to feeling lonely and sad and a feeling of being flawed. Control appeared to be the only way to survive, yet it is a lie. A push-pull between Choice and Control. Build that connection with Soul to receive the healing. Fill the voids, heal the past, remember who you are, the love and the light that you are. Your Soul is here purposefully, flowing through, and you are being pushed to allow your Soul more and more.
  • Tara recommends working with John and Katharina in the coaching format to bring the information into the Conscious mind where you have choice. You are able to be free to be able to choose something new.
  • Working with the Valued Self, understanding the role of Worth and Self Love.

Thank you to all the participants at this event for your beautiful vulnerability. With love and peace.


Please send your request to participate in the Tara Q&A during these live sessions by emailing info @ tarachannel.com.

Tara Events

Tara considers our Equinox and Solstice events key foundational teachings for our work with Tara. Each event includes 4 cornerstone meditations for working with Higher Self and Soul to activate the Valued Self to consciously co-create your reality with God/Goddess.

Learn more

Tara Meditation Subscription Plans

Get access to the full Library of Tara Meditations, subscribe to Tara ACTIVATE! Annual Meditation Subscription Plans

Tara Channel Live! Tara Meditations Subscription Plans
Online Streaming of Tara Meditations and more

Choose from 3 TARA ACTIVATE! Subscription Plans

About Tara

A rendition of the Goddess called TARA, expressed through Katharina as one of those emissaries of the Goddess, is here to help us on our spiritual journey. She has always been with us, expressed in various ways through the ages illuminating our JOURNEY, watching over us but never interfering. Never doing it for us, because that was not the point, it had to be our personal JOURNEY, we each had to find our own way of separating and becoming a SELF, an individual. But as she said, we have rounded the bend and now the intention has changed from separating to RETURNING, to answer that longing to go home. That is why for the first time she has been able to explain to us the purpose of this journey which has been the forgetting of which was designed and intentional. And though she can’t do it for us, Tara can help illuminate and integrate. She can help illuminate a bit of the past we came from and a bit of the future we are heading into, like a streetlamp on a long dark road.  It helps us understand where we are at and helps us see where we are stepping next. The journey is still ours to make, and that is part of the agreement. She walks with us as a friend, beside us, not ahead of us. We choose where we are going from here.

We welcome you to join us, to work with Tara on this adventure of returning home to your True Self.

Recent Tara Channel Live! videos and meditations are available on YouTube.

In addition, Tara channeled a wonderful 21-day series of meditations in her book ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ available on Amazon.com.

SPECIAL OFFER – Soul Retrieval & Energy Healing

Shaman Cathy Stubbs - Eagle Flight Healing
Featuring Shaman Cathy Stubbs of Eagle Flight Healing

Book your personal Soul Retrieval energy healing session with Shaman Cathy Stubbs of Eagle Flight Healing. Cathy offers a series of ‘marker’ soul retrievals and chakra illuminations, with lower world, upper world extractions to release the residues of chauvinism and the long standing automated templates within. Find out more.

Feel Joy!

BodyMindSpirit! coaches are certified in several modalities: Laser focused coaching, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy®, and Hypnosis. They also have many years of metaphysical training and meditation.

We bring the structured process of NLP and professional certified coaching together with energy work, hypnotherapy, and meditation in a new way. This process is a powerful yet easy and effective way to change your mindset, create rapport between your Unconscious mind and your Conscious mind, and free you to explore new possibilities and futures you have always wanted. Find out more…

Feel Younger!

Do you want more energy? more vitality? to feel younger? Discover a new technology that activates your stem cells naturally – safe, non-invasive and cost-effective. Lifewave X39 wellness patch is anti-aging magic, without drugs and side effects drugs can cause.

Free Sample (X39) – Visit bodymindspirit.online, or email info@bodymindspirit.online for a free sample patch.

Feel Safer!

CLEAN THE AIR IN YOUR HOME OF HARMFUL VIRUSES IN THE AIR IN MINUTES! with novel NASA Active Pure technology. We have relied on this wonderful machine to keep us safe. To find out more, visit bodymindspirit.online.

Free Photos!

HTBphotos by John and Katharina Notarianni 

©2022 The Tara Channel, Tara Channel Live! – tarachannellive.com and tarachannel.com. All Rights Reserved.

Photo credits: Zoom background by Jaime Brooks on Unsplash. Feature photo by Jonatan Pie on Unsplash.

Tara Channel Live! Interview: Introduction to Channeling

Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni, brings a unique perspective on health, well being and the reality we are co-creating. A recent Tara Channel Live! online webinar features a beautiful interview with Raina Woolfolk of Raina’s Treasure Attic, a crystal energy channel and artist, and Katharina Notarianni, a channel of the Goddess energy in the form of Tara. Experience unconditional love as Tara brings forth healing energies of love and light of the goddess.

Featuring Raina Woolfolk, Katharina and John Notarianni and Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni

Tara Events


Tara considers our Equinox and Solstice events key foundational teachings for our work with Tara. Each event includes 4 cornerstone meditations for working with Higher Self and Soul to activate the Valued Self to consciously co-create your reality with God/Goddess.

Remembering Your Stellar Origins: Access Your Personal Siriun Magic to Create Profound Change

Tara Meditation Subscription Plans

Get access to the full Library of Tara Meditations, subscribe to Tara ACTIVATE! Annual Meditation Subscription Plans

Tara Channel Live! Tara Meditations Subscription Plans
Online Streaming of Tara Meditations and more

About Tara

A rendition of the Goddess called TARA, expressed through Katharina as one of those emissaries of the Goddess, is here to help us on our spiritual journey. She has always been with us, expressed in various ways through the ages illuminating our JOURNEY, watching over us but never interfering. Never doing it for us, because that was not the point, it had to be our personal JOURNEY, we each had to find our own way of separating and becoming a SELF, an individual. But as she said, we have rounded the bend and now the intention has changed from separating to RETURNING, to answer that longing to go home. That is why for the first time she has been able to explain to us the purpose of this journey which has been the forgetting of which was designed and intentional. And though she can’t do it for us, Tara can help illuminate and integrate. She can help illuminate a bit of the past we came from and a bit of the future we are heading into, like a streetlamp on a long dark road.  It helps us understand where we are at and helps us see where we are stepping next. The journey is still ours to make, and that is part of the agreement. She walks with us as a friend, beside us, not ahead of us. We choose where we are going from here.

We welcome you to join us, to work with Tara on this adventure of returning home to your True Self.

Recent Tara Channel Live! videos and meditations are available on YouTube.

SPECIAL OFFER – Shamanic Energy Healing

Shaman Cathy Stubbs - Eagle Flight Healing
Featuring Shaman Cathy Stubbs of Eagle Flight Healing

Book your personal Soul Retrieval shamanic energy healing session with Shaman Cathy Stubbs of Eagle Flight Healing in a series of ‘marker’ soul retrievals and chakra illuminations, with lower world, upper world extractions to release the residues of chauvinism and the long standing automated templates within. Find out more.

Feel Joy!

BodyMindSpirit! coaches are certified in several modalities: Laser focused coaching, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy®, and Hypnosis. They also have many years of metaphysical training and meditation.

We bring the structured process of NLP and professional certified coaching together with energy work, hypnotherapy, and meditation in a new way. This process is a powerful yet easy and effective way to change your mindset, create rapport between your Unconscious mind and your Conscious mind, and free you to explore new possibilities and futures you have always wanted. Find out more…

Feel Younger!

Do you want more energy? more vitality? to feel younger? Discover a new technology that activates your stem cells naturally – safe, non-invasive and cost-effective. Lifewave X39 wellness patch is anti-aging magic, without drugs and side effects drugs can cause.

New product: Add Lifewave X49 wellness patch to your health protocol. This light wave energy patch has very exciting benefits – building muscle strength, burning fat, improving cognition and cardiovascular health. X49 is recommended to be used in conjunction with our anti-aging X39 stem cell activation patch.  

Free Sample (X39) – Visit bodymindspirit.online, or email info@bodymindspirit.online for a free sample patch.

Feel Safer!

CLEAN THE AIR IN YOUR HOME OF HARMFUL VIRUSES IN THE AIR IN MINUTES! with novel NASA Active Pure technology. To find out more, visit bodymindspirit.online.

Free Photos!

HTBphotos by John and Katharina Notarianni https://www.dreamstime.com/#res16409905

©2022 The Tara Channel, Tara Channel Live! – tarachannellive.com and tarachannel.com. All Rights Reserved.

Photo credits: HTBphotos on Dreamstime.

Essential Self Care for the Holidays: Tara Meditations On Demand

NEED A QUICK and EASY WAY TO GET PRESENT? It’s easy to forget to give to your Self…and yet sometimes that is just the answer you need… a few moments of focusing inward, of finding inner peace, of remembering you are loved.

You and those you love will enjoy Tara Activate! Meditations during the holidays and throughout the year, to soothe and relax you. You can easily and effortlessly get you back on track to feeling inner peace, to living from your grace, as you deserve! The ultimate Self Care gift.

Annual subscription plans starting at $97

Enjoy a year of meditations on demand, on your schedule, exactly when you need love and light, to get you to your next step.

Featuring Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni.

Tara Channel Live! Tara Meditations PLUS!

Wishing you Happy Holidays and a Joyous New Year!

Tara Channel Live!

©2021 The Tara Channel, Tara Channel Live! – tarachannellive.com and tarachannel.com. All Rights Reserved.

Tara Meditations: Optimal Future Self Series

We are delighted to introduce Tara’s OPTIMAL FUTURE SELF Series of guided meditations.

Tara Channel Live! Optimal Future Self Series of Tara Meditations is designed to help you to develop a living loving relationship with the You who is your optimal future, thereby changing who you are in the present moment effortlessly and elegantly. Your Optimal Future Self is the You who stands in your individuality, knowing your worth, knowing your value, knowing you are loved and shining your love and your light, graciously giving to your world.

Tara Channel Live - Optimal Future Self Series of Tara Meditations

Experience Tara Channel  Live! OPTIMAL FUTURE SELF Series, a set of unique and empowering Tara Meditations to help you connect more profoundly with Your Optimal Future Self, the You who already exists in the new world of dominion, consciously co-creating with God/Goddess. With Tara’s love and guidance, an opportunity to create your reality with elegance and ease with this wonderful step-by-step meditative process.



Save by subscribing to one of our annual subscription plans.

The Optimal Future Self Series of Tara Meditations are included in the TARA ACTIVATE! PLUS and TARA ACTIVATE! COMPLETE Annual Subscription Plans!


Shaman Cathy Stubbs - Eagle Flight Healing
Shaman Cathy Stubbs

Book your personal session with Shaman Cathy Stubbs of Eagle Flight Healing in a series of ‘marker’ soul retrievals and chakra illuminations, with lower world, upper world extractions to release the residues of chauvinism and the long standing automated templates within. Find out more.

An Invitation

TARA, expressed through Katharina as one of those emissaries of the Goddess, is here to help us on this journey we are on to discover more of who we truly are.

She has always been with us, expressed in various ways through the ages illuminating our JOURNEY, watching over us but never interfering. Never doing it for us, because that was not the point. It had to be our personal JOURNEY, we each had to find our own way of separating and becoming a SELF, an individual. But as she said, we have rounded the bend and now the intention has changed from separating to RETURNING, to answer that longing to go home. That is why for the first time she has been able to explain to us the purpose of this journey which has been the forgetting of which was designed and intentional. And though she can’t do it for us, Tara can help illuminate our way and help us integrate the information and the energies. She can help illuminate a bit of the past we came from and a bit of the future we are heading into, like a streetlamp on a long dark road.  It helps us understand where we are at and opens our eyes to see where we are stepping next. The journey is still ours to make, and that is part of the agreement. She walks with us as a friend, beside us, not ahead of us. We choose where we are going from here.

We welcome you to join us, to work with Tara on this adventure of returning home to your True Self.

With love and peace.

Feature photos by Marc Olivier Jodoin and Zac Durant on Unsplash.

Copyright 2021 Tara Channel Live! and The Tara Channel. All Rights Reserved.

Tara’s Soul Series

We are delighted to introduce Tara’s Soul Series of Meditations.

Tara’s Soul Series are designed to progressively deepen your relationship with Your Soul through a series of beautiful meditations that connect you with Higher Self, Soul and Spirit on your journey of becoming more of who you truly are.


SOUL & SPIRIT are a set of unique and empowering Tara Meditations, to help you connect more profoundly with Higher Self, Soul and Spirit, to create success more consciously by working with your Optimal Future Self. A wonderful step-by-step process. With Tara’s love and guidance, to create your reality with more elegance and ease.


It is an absolute honor to have talks with Tara and benefit from her workshops and meditations!   She has helped me to understand so much about myself and has helped me to experience more of my self. Her clarity, and insights have guided me in my healing business and personal growth, and in my spiritual relationship with self, higher self and soul.  Her patience, discernment and love are boundless.  Thank you, Tara!  You have made such a wonderful difference in my life.


SOUL & GRACE are a set of unique and empowering Tara Meditations that expand your perceptions, with a beautiful process to connect you more deeply with your Higher Self and Soul. These relationships are your key to becoming more, stepping into your True Self to consciously co-create the new world of dominion with God and Goddess, and to consciously share your unique Grace with your world.


Tara Channel Live - Soul and Voice

A new meditation series by Tara, working with Higher Self to access the Valued Self, connecting with Soul to activate your True Self, SOUL & VOICE are a set of unique and empowering Tara Meditations that connect you more deeply with your Higher Self and Soul. These relationships are the key to activating your True Self and to consciously co-creating the new world of dominion with God and Goddess. Discover your Voice and give voice to your Soul in with SOUL & VOICE meditation series with Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni.

The SOUL SERIES meditations are included in the TARA ACTIVATE! COMPLETE Annual Subscription Plan, or each series can be purchased separately in our shop.


Shaman Cathy Stubbs - Eagle Flight Healing
Shaman Cathy Stubbs

Book your personal session with Shaman Cathy Stubbs of Eagle Flight Healing in a series of ‘marker’ soul retrievals and chakra illuminations, with lower world, upper world extractions to release the residues of chauvinism and the long standing automated templates within. Find out more.

An Invitation

TARA, expressed through Katharina as one of those emissaries of the Goddess, is here to help us on this journey we are on to discover more of who we truly are.

She has always been with us, expressed in various ways through the ages illuminating our JOURNEY, watching over us but never interfering. Never doing it for us, because that was not the point, it had to be our personal JOURNEY, we each had to find our own way of separating and becoming a SELF, an individual. But as she said, we have rounded the bend and now the intention has changed from separating to RETURNING, to answer that longing to go home. That is why for the first time she has been able to explain to us the purpose of this journey which has been the forgetting of which was designed and intentional. And though she can't do it for us, Tara can help illuminate and help us integrate the information and the energies. She can help illuminate a bit of the past we came from and a bit of the future we are heading into, like a streetlamp on a long dark road.  It helps us understand where we are at and opens our eyes to see where we are stepping next. The journey is still ours to make, and that is part of the agreement. She walks with us as a friend, beside us, not ahead of us. We choose where we are going from here.

We welcome you to join us, to work with Tara on this adventure of returning home to your True Self.

With love and peace.

Monday Mindset Meditation with Tara

Watch Tara Channel Live! Mondays at 5PM Pacific (8PM Eastern)

Updated time for our weekly online Tara Meditation

Monday Mindset Meditations are now being held each week on Monday at 5PM Pacific (8PM Eastern) time

You can register for Tara Channel Live! Virtual Events on Meetup, or visit our Events page for more information.

About Tara

Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni, provides guidance on any topic that matters to you. Whether your priority is healing your Self, your relationships, your career and business endeavors, or creating more abundance, interacting with Tara Channel Live can bring clarity, peace and a more loving perspective to any topic.

Enjoy Tara Channel Live! videos and meditations on YouTube.

A wonderful 21 day series of healing meditations is featured in her book ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras‘ available on Amazon.com.

©2020 The Tara Channel, Tara Channel Live! and tarachannel.com. All Rights Reserved.

Featured photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash.

Registration Open: Tara Online Event (September 6th)

Back by Popular Demand! Experience Tara… Register now (limited to 12)

Back by Popular Demand!

Experience Tara: Activate Your Valued Self – Becoming More of Who You Truly Are

Sunday September 6th – 3:00pm to 5:00pm EST

We invite you to an afternoon with Tara to Activate Your Valued Self: Becoming More of Who You Truly Are. This event will include a discussion about the Valued Self and a wonderful healing guided meditation followed by an indepth question and answer session.

There are no questions that are off limits. And so, as you clarify, or even write down, what you are wanting from your time with Tara, you will bring forth valuable practical knowledge which will be of the most benefit to you and to all of us.

Tara, as channeled by Katharina Notarianni, is an Interdimensional Being that is a Spirit Guide with universal expression of the goddess energy. She comes with love and peace, to share her wisdom with us as we continue our journey to become more of who we truly are and share our individual grace with the world.

This class is limited to 12 people; sign up now!

$30 per person – September 6, 2020 (3:00-5:00 PM Eastern Time)

To experience more of Tara, visit Tara on YouTube or have questions? Please email info@tarachannel.com.