Blue Tara Affirmation ‘I Communicate and Joyously Express Who I Am’

“…As you have often heard, blue is the color of communication. And why is that so? Communication is a form of communing with the Goddess. For as her light fills you, as you awaken to who you truly are you begin to communicate, to express, to be who you are in your world.

You have experienced times when you somehow repressed who you were for fear perhaps of being humiliated, perhaps of disappointing someone for not doing it perfectly so, or perhaps of not getting the love that you knew you required to survive, and perhaps even just to be safe. For when you do not speak, it often appears as though you are not having impact, and so you could not possibly be blamed for anything.

And, as you allow your past, each of your individual past, to be washed away by the blue light, see in your mind’s eye the future tied to who you are today. You have gotten glimpses of who you truly are. And what is easier to imagine than that your True Self is a future self, expressing who you truly are. Take a moment to allow an image to form in your mind. And as you look into their eyes, this future you, see the joy that is there. See the joy that comes from expressing who you are without fear, without hesitation, without worrying about being hurt or humiliated, to know that anything you say, anything you express is alright. Because you never intend to harm anybody with it and because you are connected with your Higher Self fully so, in this future you are aware of the bigger picture at play — there is no fear…”

blue tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

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Black Tara Affirmation ‘…I Develop True Wisdom’

“…As you have learned, wisdom is the domain of the mind but not without love, which comes from the heart. True wisdom is anchored in love and has an element of compassion always. And wisdom allows you to access the unknown, the mysteries, and other realms as well. It is an access point. And so today we work to calibrate your senses so that your mind may perceive more, even greater detail of your reality, so that you can make more powerful choices about what you want to create, what adjustments you might want to make. The time has come to bring, more consciously so, what is real into the illusion, that which you call the physical plane of your existence.

You have been doing this for many years through your spiritual work and so you are familiar with this process. And yet, in daily life there is the mundane. There are the daily activities that keep you, you might say, in the consensus. And that is not such a bad thing for it does keep you anchored in the illusion. But as you allow one foot to remain in the real more and more, as you imagine a flow of energy, a continuous flow of energy flowing through one side of you, that which is the real, flowing out the other side which is the physical plane, and then as it circles back, the illusion changes each time. More of the real flows through you, profoundly so. It is no longer an intellectual pursuit. It is no longer theoretical. And you have had your personal experiences, profound experiences, with the real in perhaps the Imaginal Realm, or perhaps in your journey to the Unknown, whether it is the Beautiful, the Silent or the Sacred Unknown. Perhaps you have spent time in the Liminal, in the Unconscious, in the Underworld, in Lemuria or Atlantis. Even the time you spend in your safe place with your Higher Self, with your Soul and your Spirit is all the “more real.” And each time you have gone there you have become more of who you truly are. You have become wiser. You have had insights that have changed you…”

Black Tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

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Green Tara Affirmation ‘Abundance’

“…the green color is related to the heart chakra, and so the energy is love, that of love and joy, for love and joy are the source of your abundance. Anything you choose to create that comes from your love and from your joy is a gift to your world, to yourself. It is your bounty. And when your love is expressed it interacts with Love with a capital “L” and with joy, and they dance. And as they dance they create miracles and miraculous success. What you manifest in this state is a manifestation of your love, of your joy.

And so, consider how to access those energies in a practical manner. We begin with helping you to feel safe, to resonate in that state of being of “I feel safe.” It means so much, and yet it always depends on what you are wanting to create in that moment, what future you are expecting. For instance, if we were to say, “Create a million dollars tomorrow,” what would pop to the surface would be all the reasons why you could not, and you would not feel safe any longer about your reality, about your ability to create what you want. Unless you had already created a million dollars before, then you might, but you would be an exception in your world, wouldn’t you? Then you might feel safe, assured, and confident. But you don’t create just by saying, “This is what I want,” out of the blue, though sometimes it may appear that way from the outside looking in. What you desire, what you imagine and what you expect, they come from, “How can I love myself today? What is the loving thing to create?” And your goals might be small at first, such as, “I love myself when I pay my bills, when I allow myself enough money.” Money is the currency you use, and so it is a common language between the people of your world today, for all society that actually utilize money as currency.

And as you are a metaphysician, loving yourself might also include taking time to be with your Higher Self, to be with your inner child and adolescent and any other unseen friends who you enjoy to be with. Often in your world, in the consensus at this time, that sort of time of loving yourself is considered a luxury, is belittled you might say.
And oftentimes people who are working at regular jobs, 9-to-5 jobs, where they often work many hours overtime as well, it is hard for them to imagine ever having enough free time to have meditation be a part of their daily life. And yet by thinking it is a luxury, they do give themselves the message that they are not worth loving. And so we want you, though this is not how you would do it for you are not the average person, to scan your life, your day. Notice where you are holding back, where could you be more loving, more generous with yourself. Where have you told yourself, “I don’t have enough time to do that. I don’t have enough money. I have to limit myself.” And that is the beginning…”

green tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

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White Tara Affirmation ‘Today I Choose Love…’

“…in your world there is violence, there is pain, there is great sorrow. And you have had lifetimes of this nature yourself. And as you see it reflected in your world, you ask why, why even after all that I have done, all that I have learned, can I not change the pain in the world quickly enough?
And in that question begins the doubt, the self-doubt that you are making any difference at all. And your journey becomes one of faith: “I must believe I am making a difference, for if I do not, I will go mad.” But there are times when you doubt, and in the doubt becomes despair. And so we tell you, your light does make a difference. Your love is what matters. Your caring as you see those suffering, in the caring you change the resonance. In the compassion you grow and change. You become more of who you truly are.

There are stories of deities who have the ability to feel such love, such compassion, for suffering that in their presence the suffering does end. To be touched by such a deity changes one instantly so. Jesus Christ was such a deity, a being of light, as is Buddha, as are we as well. But it does not stop there. It is who you are, truly so. It is who you are becoming. And yet you already are that being.

There is a time coming very soon when this particular state of being of which we speak will be expressed in humanity as a whole. It begins with a few, and the few become hundreds. And eventually all of humanity awakens. And what stands between you and knowing, allowing, being this light being, is a past in which there was pain and suffering.
As you grow you will begin to know that a human being’s right is to have choice, free will. For that is the most precious of all powers, of all strengths. For in it you can choose anything you want. And some will continue to choose pain and suffering as a way to learn about themselves, as a way to feel powerful. It is their right. But there is a great difference in suffering and not knowing why or how they chose it, and choosing it consciously.

Humanity is still in a time of waking up. People are awakening, as individuals. And all that they need for their journey exists already. And the key is the love, for it is a resonance that transforms instantly any reality. But not love that is blind, rather love that has wisdom out of which comes compassion and patience and virtue. And that begins with a choice, just as fear has been a common choice, a way to survive. It is time now to choose love…”
white tarafrom ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ 

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Excerpt from Healing with Color

Excerpt from Healing with Color: Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras (available on

“All color is encompassed in white and black. It is commonly thought black is the absence of color. But this is not necessarily so. Consider that when you mix all your watercolor paints you often get a color approaching black whether that is your intention or not. One cannot mix paints to get white, yet white light is made up of all colors of the rainbow as is evidenced when light refracts. That is the difference with color in matter, and color in energy. It shows you that matter is at one end of the spectrum and pure energy is at the other. In the frequencies of light all color is white, like the rainbow. Crystals that are black contain more colors or matter. What does this say about clear quartz? In the case of quartz crystals, the clearer they are, the more colors of light vibrations. It is not good or bad. The darker crystals have more mattering, the light crystals have more light, with mattering being Soul, and light being Spirit. In black there is the mystery, often represented as stepping into an unknown void of blackness. This is very much about Soul, about revealing the mysteries, of that which isn’t yet manifest but you are attempting to manifest evidence of. It is often easier to connect with Soul in Nature, grounded in the Earth. In contrast, to connect with Spirit is easier in the imaginal realm of ideas, in the lightness of being, in activity and movement. Connecting with Soul often requires being still, being grounded.

With each color we explore, these twenty-one colors, we will express twenty-one versions of our self, each one working in a particular manner, each one having a particular impact on Soul and Spirit. And so you might say, it is a metaphor for how each of you are in your world. You are a unique expression. You will never be repeated, though you may feel as though you have taken on so much of your family, perhaps your mother or your father. On your journey you do discover that you are indeed a unique expression. And more and more you reveal to yourself your True Self. It becomes a quest, a revealing of the mysterious. For though you see many similarities between you and other people in your reality, once you discover what is the same about you, you are quick to go on to what is unique about “me.” And that is part of your destiny: to express and celebrate You, your uniqueness. It is a never ending journey. There is always more of you to reveal. For as you discover more of who you truly are, you do evolve. It changes you each time you discover something new.”

Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras is available on in paperback or read the ebook for free with Kindle Unlimited.