Orange Tara Affirmation “I Create”

“…There is something you want to create in your life. As you imagine it before you, the form of it, be willing to define the form without worrying how you are going to have it manifest. Simply see it before you, whatever it is. Perhaps it is money. Perhaps it is a beautiful thing. Perhaps it is a person. Perhaps it is a being of another realm. Perhaps it is a wonderful meal. Without limiting yourself, whatever it is that you have been wanting, desiring to create… perhaps it is the book you want to write or that project that was put on a shelf long ago.

As you see it before you, take these palms, these hands that are aglow with this beautiful flame and touch the creation that you propose, to transmit the light from within you to it. And as you do so, it communicates back to you in some way that it is your creation. And it says, ‘Open your mind and open your heart so that you can know that it is so.’”

Orange Tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

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Lavender Tara Affirmation “I Remember”

“We are part of the many colors of the Tara that you know, one aspect with a particular emphasis. And though you can sense us by communing with the Tara who you usually speak with, we want you to feel our particular vibration. You already know of our colors. Lavender is mostly white light blended with a hint of blue from your sixth chakra center and a hint of pink from your heart chakra. And so our function is to connect your heart and your mind, the chamber of your heart and the chamber of your mind. As you do so, you open to more of who you truly are. You experience a deep sense of peace. For as your heart opens and as your mind opens, you feel at one with all that is and all that has been and all that will be.”

Lavender Tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

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Violet Tara Affirmation ‘I Choose’

“…And as each of you are on a spiritual path of your choosing, and it is your desire to come home to your True Self in this lifetime, what we are doing here today is creating a pathway for the spiritual you of all your lifetimes to blend, to have a singular focus, to make a more powerful choice, to awaken fully to come home in this lifetime.

You have your own perception of what coming home to your True Self is about. There is no one method that is the correct method. Each individual will engage in his or her own process. You have begun that process. And though you sense you are on a same journey, a similar journey, you are also acutely aware that your particular version is distinctly your own, for you encounter challenges and successes that are uniquely your own, that no one else seems to match, you might say. These experiences, though they might be similar, are never the same.

And so we want to take a moment to assist you in valuing yourself and the journey you have chosen…”

Violet Tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

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Light Green Tara Affirmation ‘I Heal’

“…with your Higher Self’s permission we will begin to make adjustments to the brain waves to clear out any blockages to your thought process, to enhance the connections between the left and right brain, to assist with the evolution of the brain that is currently taking place. These minor adjustments will assist you in integrating information you are gathering at this time more quickly, more productively. The adjustments we are making will assist you in managing the electromagnetic energies that you feel heightening in your world, for they are; to be able to utilize those energies more efficiently, more productively, to assist you in maintaining a state of harmony within you on all levels of your being as you move forward in your process. The adjustments we are making will assist you in letting go of patterns, beliefs, thoughts and feelings that no longer serve who you have become and who you are becoming on your journey. And finally the adjustments we are making allow the systems of the body, the physical body, to work efficiently, to remain in harmony to do their work to the best of their ability…”

Light Green Tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

Read for free with Kindle Unlimited

Gold Tara Affirmation ‘I Reveal My True Value’

“Gold has a very high resonance, naturally so. It has value. It is natural to gold, this value. And as it blends with you, it awakens in you your own value, that value that is natural to you. There are traces of it in your body at all times. Sometimes it is not as obvious to you. You lose sight of it, you might say. We reawaken your value, allowing the flow to take with it any obstacle to this sense of value, any hindrances that have kept you from creating the reality that you want, that is for your highest good, that which is your destiny. Simply give those obstacles permission to enter the flow, to be on their way, for they no longer serve you at this time, these thought forms, these emotions, these impurities in whatever form they have taken in your body. Allow them to depart at this time as you say farewell to them.

For as you feel your value growing inside of you enhanced by the flow of the golden light, the liquid gold amplified, you feel this energy begin to form within you…It does not disappear, for it has been awakened. And now it is amplified to reveal to you your true value, that which you could not see before, that which was hindered unbeknownst to you.”

Gold Tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

Read for free with Kindle Unlimited

Light Blue Tara Affirmation ‘I Call Upon Sirius…’

“…Today we work in the energy of Sirius with you. Understand that in the resonance that is star Sirius, the vortex of the Goddess, you are allowing that resonance to impact you even if on a subtle level. In that resonance you can create magic, you can align your reality with coming home to your True Self very quickly, very efficiently if you desire to do so.

We want you to notice tomorrow, and even in the next day, within 72 hours how that light blue resonance has impacted you, to look for the magic, to give your attention to it…”

Light Blue Tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

Read for free with Kindle Unlimited

Purple Tara Affirmation ‘I Matter’

“…It can be very frustrating and confusing to you when you are in the lower resonances, when you feel you need your Higher Self most, it is hardest to access them. And as you remember a moment or two when you were frustrated or angry or lonely or sad, what would have made a difference? How could you have heard your Higher Self say that they loved you so? How could that have mattered enough to resolve the unhappiness or the anger or the sadness?

And so, ask your Higher Self for what you desire now. Ask them as you sleep tonight to clear out of your beliefs, your attitudes, your auric and etheric fields even, any last resistance that might remain, to letting them be more real, to having them matter to you as much as you matter to them.

Even though you may not be aware of it, you do matter to them. Let them tell you why you matter.”

Purple Tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

Read for free with Kindle Unlimited


Red Tara Affirmation ‘I Feel Safe…’

“…There are many changes occurring in your world at this time and in your life as well. On a personal level you are beginning to shift in ways that you have never shifted before. Your very being is changing and your actions follow… Know that you are safe, that it is safe to be, that it is safe to do, that it is safe to desire, to want, to feel, to love, to give, to express, to receive, to imagine, to vision, to dream, to connect, to relate, to commune, to become one with All That Is, that you are safe in all of these areas, that you are willing and able in all of these areas to be safe. It is a very basic need. And when you do feel safe, you express more of who you truly are.

Throughout your life you have devised systems, you have devised actions, thoughts and feelings that keep you safe. As you allow yourself to evaluate, to see a moment in your mind’s eye when you felt completely safe to be who you are, simply remember a time. And in remembering, you begin to feel the joy and the freedom that you experienced then…”

Red Tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

Read for free with Kindle Unlimited

Yellow Tara Affirmation ‘Love Guides My Expression’

“…We come as the sun, you might say, the element of fire. And in the golden light we begin to burn away any negativity you might have accumulated during your day.

As we blend with your mind we melt away the doubts and the fears that are often the source of the negativity. And we move into your solar plexus. That particular chakra, your third chakra center, as you know is the same color as we are. Allow your abdomen to relax just a bit. And, with your permission, we clear this chakra of that which suppresses your emotions. The emotions are your guide to how you are. In your world when you meet someone new they say, “How are you?” You often say, “I am fine.” And as soon as you say those words you then actually feel whether you are or you are not in your solar plexus, though you might not express what you find out. And as we clear this chakra now, allow yourself to begin to know that anything you feel is valid, is appropriate. Each emotion has its place. And each emotion demands expression.

You were each taught early on not to show certain feelings. Certain ones in your mind are bad and wrong, for they might bring harm to you or others, and so you tend to repress them, you try to make them go away. But in doing so you shut down a whole range of emotions, an intensity of emotion, so that even the good ones are affected. You do not mean to do this. But what happens by repressing one or two you label as bad or wrong you begin to live a belief called, “I shouldn’t express myself fully.”
And as you scan your life you can begin to see where this is true about you, where you play it safe, how it serves you and how it doesn’t serve you at all. For when you look at your life, begin to evaluate how much passion, how much intensity do you live on a daily basis. The absence of passion and intensity in a pleasurable form, something that you would want to experience, the absence of this, is the degree to which you are repressing some emotions. And how you repress is simply with a thought, a particular thought, such as, “I shouldn’t feel this, for it is dangerous to feel this,” or “I might get hurt if I say something.” And it gives you the message that you do not create your own reality, because what are these emotions that you have no control over, that you must try to control because they might do you in? And so, on a subconscious level you live as though you are a victim of your emotions.

And as you are growing so quickly now on your journey it is no longer acceptable to live without passion and intensity. It is no longer appropriate to who you are and who you are becoming…”

yellow tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

Read for free with Kindle Unlimited

Blue Tara Affirmation ‘I Communicate and Joyously Express Who I Am’

“…As you have often heard, blue is the color of communication. And why is that so? Communication is a form of communing with the Goddess. For as her light fills you, as you awaken to who you truly are you begin to communicate, to express, to be who you are in your world.

You have experienced times when you somehow repressed who you were for fear perhaps of being humiliated, perhaps of disappointing someone for not doing it perfectly so, or perhaps of not getting the love that you knew you required to survive, and perhaps even just to be safe. For when you do not speak, it often appears as though you are not having impact, and so you could not possibly be blamed for anything.

And, as you allow your past, each of your individual past, to be washed away by the blue light, see in your mind’s eye the future tied to who you are today. You have gotten glimpses of who you truly are. And what is easier to imagine than that your True Self is a future self, expressing who you truly are. Take a moment to allow an image to form in your mind. And as you look into their eyes, this future you, see the joy that is there. See the joy that comes from expressing who you are without fear, without hesitation, without worrying about being hurt or humiliated, to know that anything you say, anything you express is alright. Because you never intend to harm anybody with it and because you are connected with your Higher Self fully so, in this future you are aware of the bigger picture at play — there is no fear…”

blue tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

Read for free with Kindle Unlimited