“…It can be very frustrating and confusing to you when you are in the lower resonances, when you feel you need your Higher Self most, it is hardest to access them. And as you remember a moment or two when you were frustrated or angry or lonely or sad, what would have made a difference? How could you have heard your Higher Self say that they loved you so? How could that have mattered enough to resolve the unhappiness or the anger or the sadness?
And so, ask your Higher Self for what you desire now. Ask them as you sleep tonight to clear out of your beliefs, your attitudes, your auric and etheric fields even, any last resistance that might remain, to letting them be more real, to having them matter to you as much as you matter to them.
Even though you may not be aware of it, you do matter to them. Let them tell you why you matter.”
Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni
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