Meditation: Tara Talks Online Event “How To Create More Money”

Thank you for participating in last week’s Tara Talks Online Event “How To Create More Money.” Below are links to view or listen to the session which includes a very special meditation of working with Earth energy.

Meditation 8 with Introductory Comments: How To Create More Money (Video 1 and Video 2). Click here for the audio version of Meditation 8 part 1 and Meditation 8 part 2.

Q&A 8: Click here for the audio version of the Q&A.

0:00 What is the importance of Earth energy at this time?
19:00 Participating with the Earth helps us with money manifestation?
28:00 Our love for the Earth, is this the bridge to manifesting what we want?


For Yuen practitioners who have completed Level 1 training and are ready to accelerate their practice and for experienced Yuen practitioners who want the benefit of repeating the Level 2 training and getting all the corrections offered during the course.

Julien WILLM will be conducting a Level 2 Yuen Method Training by online webinar starting November 7, 2017 (5AM-7AM Pacific time; 8AM-10AM Eastern time) over 6 weeks.

Find out more on Tara Talks Meetup page

or Sign up on Julien’s Consciously Happy Facebook page

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Consciously Happy
Health & Wellness Website
Experience conscious happiness with Julien WILLM.
Change your life and reach your full potential with the gift of neutrality through energetic clearing.

Tara Affirmation “I Consciously Co-Create My Reality With Full Awareness of My Individuality…”

“… Yes, dear one, and this is Tara, representing the twenty-one Taras as a whole. And as we are made up of all colors and yet no color, our energy is that of synthesis and synergy. And in that energy it is what each of you are here to do, to synthesize information, to create synergies among each other, and as you know, you are also illusion. It is part of the fun of co-creating, that you co-create together this New World that you are bringing into being. The qualities of the New World, which are missing from your past is love, in a pure sense without pain, without sorrow. Instead it is a joyous exuberant love that can be generous and forgiving and that is sourced from a sense of deep inner peace of knowing that you do create your own reality, of knowing that it begins and ends with you, that you are not separate.
You are a part of a grand whole that if you were to be conscious of it all you would know that you are one with God/Goddess/All That Is, that you have the ability to create universes through your desires, your imagination and your expectation. You already do so, but subconsciously and unconsciously so. More consciously creating reality is your emphasis now …”


Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

Read for free with Kindle Unlimited

Ivory Tara Affirmation “I Am Empowered. I Create My Own Reality.”

“… (Ivory) This color white is not pure white but rather has a hint of golden light in that white, the golden light that you might associate with sunshine, perhaps even with your third chakra center. The white, of course, you associate with your higher level chakras, seven and higher.
And so our work today is to bring that energy of will and enthusiasm associated with the second chakra and also to bring a depth of emotions to those higher chakra centers, those that are more about your spirituality. And so today we work to bring your passion for metaphysics, for your spirituality, to the forefront to allow you to claim it, so you can direct it more consciously as the magician that you are …”

Ivory Tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

Read for free with Kindle Unlimited

Copper Tara Affirmation “Additional Energy Is Available To Me”

“… There is something you are wanting to accomplish at this time, a goal that you have for yourself, something that you require assistance with, perhaps added energy. That is what we bring. We bring within our resonance a boost of energy for you. Guided by your Higher Self, we will amplify your desires, your imagination and finally your expectation about this one thing you want to create at this time. And so choose what matters most to you, feeling in your heart what is most important at this time. And as you feel, begin to desire it, knowing that there are no barriers to having what you want. There are just ingredients, the ingredients of desire, imagination and expectation. And there is the choice to have what you want, to choose it for yourself, because it is the loving thing to create.
And so you make the decision tonight to manifest that which is for your highest good, to allow your Higher Self to fine-tune the imagery if necessary, so that you can see that which is for your highest good around that which you want …”

Copper Tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

Read for free with Kindle Unlimited

Teal Tara Affirmation “I Am Filled With Inspiration”

“… Our color in particular corresponds with three particular chakras: the fourth, your heart chakra; the fifth, your throat chakra; and the sixth, your third eye. And so you may feel our presence at those chakras more so or you may sense that the fourth, fifth and sixth levels of all your chakras are beginning to awaken. The purpose of the blending with our teal energy is to align these chakras so that they work in harmony with each other. The outcome will be to open you to your own vision, your inspiration of what the future holds for you, not just to imagine but also to begin to express in some way that which is right for you. You have dreams. You have visions. Perhaps you are reluctant to act upon them. Perhaps there is a fear or two that tells you it is not the right time or there are not enough resources, or it is okay for someone else who has other qualities to pursue these dreams and visions, but not for you. Allow those thoughts and feelings to dissipate in our energy, in our presence …”


Teal Tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

Read for free with Kindle Unlimited

Burgundy Tara Affirmation “I Reveal The Mysteries”

“… we ask you to think about what it is you want to release, what is it that no longer serves you. Perhaps it is a thought pattern, or an emotion, or a physical ailment. Perhaps it is a spiritual practice that just does not quite work anymore, whatever it is that you are discontent about. However mundane it may seem, allow what matters to you to come to mind at this time and give it over to the flow of energy that we have created with you today, the energy that flows throughout you and around you in total darkness. And yet you feel the light. You feel the burgundy colored light that we are, for we are within you. If you are willing, allow your Higher Self to give us what you are willing to give up to make way for the mystery, the unknown, that which you do not know, perhaps even known, while holding onto this or that you have held on to …”

Burgundy Tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

Read for free with Kindle Unlimited

Turquoise Tara Affirmation “I Release Those Energies That No Longer Serve Me”

“… Imagine a beautiful piece of turquoise stone. Perhaps it is more light blue, or perhaps it is more light green, depending upon your personal heritage, your relationship to turquoise, whether it is of Native American origin from a past life or perhaps Middle Eastern. It matters not, the turquoise you imagine is energetically similar enough, and yet you might get a sense as you imagine of your own relationship from your past lives to this color …”

Turquoise Tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

Read for free with Kindle Unlimited



Lilac Tara Affirmation “I Express Who I Truly Am”

“…There is something in particular that you have wanted to create for yourself but have held out because it was not yet safe to be who you truly are. There is much that you have already had the courage to create from a place of knowing who you are, from a place of being the metaphysician, the magician. But there are certain things that are sacred to you that you held back on, saying, “I will wait to know for sure when I know it is safe to be who I truly am.” And that time has come.

And so to allow your unconscious mind, and also your subconscious mind to bring into your consciousness tonight that which you have secreted away, that which you were saving for one day, someday, which is today. Perhaps you get a strong feeling about it. Perhaps you get an image, a very strong image at that. Whether it is conscious yet or not, know that it is moving from the unconscious to the subconscious and into the conscious mind where you will awaken to it. And your Higher Self will allow you to know how to create it at this time, to know that it is a product of resonance, and any time after today you may call upon the color lilac to regain the sense of safety and knowing that it is safe to be who you truly are.”

Lilac Tara

Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

Read for free with Kindle Unlimited