Tara Affirmation “I Consciously Co-Create My Reality With Full Awareness of My Individuality…”

“… Yes, dear one, and this is Tara, representing the twenty-one Taras as a whole. And as we are made up of all colors and yet no color, our energy is that of synthesis and synergy. And in that energy it is what each of you are here to do, to synthesize information, to create synergies among each other, and as you know, you are also illusion. It is part of the fun of co-creating, that you co-create together this New World that you are bringing into being. The qualities of the New World, which are missing from your past is love, in a pure sense without pain, without sorrow. Instead it is a joyous exuberant love that can be generous and forgiving and that is sourced from a sense of deep inner peace of knowing that you do create your own reality, of knowing that it begins and ends with you, that you are not separate.
You are a part of a grand whole that if you were to be conscious of it all you would know that you are one with God/Goddess/All That Is, that you have the ability to create universes through your desires, your imagination and your expectation. You already do so, but subconsciously and unconsciously so. More consciously creating reality is your emphasis now …”


Excerpt from ‘Healing with Color – Experience the Essence of Twenty-One Taras’ by Tara Channel Katharina Notarianni

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